Thank you for checking out my “Tidbit” for today. This is a short section of essential information, sometimes technical, as the spirit leads.

Today’s tidbit is about choice – The choice you have every minute of every day –

Choices are all around us – good ones and, well, not-so-good ones, and sometimes we do not even realize “that was a bad choice” until we recognize that “That WAS a bad choice”

How can someone move ahead of the curve? My answer is to be conscientiously aware of YOU and your Inner you – did you realize that there is not a single action you have taken that didn’t start with a thought?

All of our behavior – 100% starts within – it starts in the heart of each of us, and only after a thought occurs does an action (or reaction) ensue.

Perhaps you have heard people say, “That person just doesn’t think before they react,” and that isn’t the case. Everyone will think before doing – You cannot have any action or reaction until there is a thought before it, and it may only be for a millisecond.  That’s why it seems like someone is reacting before they think. They didn’t spend an extra second thinking “it” through. They chose to react and allowed their immediate emotional state of mind to control their actions.

Taking conscientious, on-purpose notice of your thoughts, words, and deeds will create a much different outcome.

Some may say,  “Oh, I can’t do that,” and you would be correct. Why? Because you just said you can’t. You made the choice, “Can’t.” Perhaps just a one-hour “try it” could yield some amazing positive results, and then you could try it again for another hour and so on.

This is something I strive for in my daily walk of life. Keep my attitude in check with my thoughts, and my words and actions are carefully parsed most of the time. (I’m human) –

That’s it for today’s tidbit – Come back tomorrow for more exciting “Tidbits” from the ‘interesting’ mind of ILAH.

Now, do good work and help someone.

Note: If you would like to write to me about a topic that interests you – please reach me at my personal Gmail account, – This goes right to my phone when I receive an email. 😀